Pantry Organization + Countertops Maximization

4 hours - Declutter and organize the pantry & clear the countertops

Project Goals

Space can be limited in a condo, and things can get cluttered easily. Although this is true for every space, the goals here were clear: a clutter-free and organized pantry, and better use of the countertop space for this client.

NOTE: these photos are super old, and precede Mostly Organized, but the process is still the same✌🏻.

 My Process

First things first

The first question I usually ask is: what’s bothering you the most about this space, what are the main issues?

In this case what came up was:

  • Overstuffed pantry;

  • The space serves as a catch all for things we don’t know what to do with;

  • Limited cluttered countertop space, not conducive to meal planning and prep.




Take everything out

We always start by taking things out. For a pantry or a fridge it’s essential to throw away what is out of date, and novelty or specialty food items you tried but didn’t like.

Recycle what you can, trash what you can’t and put things aside for the Donation Centre (containers you don’t need that are in good shape for example) and the Eco Station (empty paint container, wires that don’t belong to any electronics anymore, etc.).

HOT TIP: Create more storage space with a door organizer
Over the door shoe storage are great for small tools and other things you usually find in a junk drawer. Especially if they’re see-through pockets, so you can find exactly what you’re looking for quickly. And since it’s behind a closed door, there is no visual clutter.

Let’s organize

Once you have a clean slate, it’s easier to organize.

Start with the door organizer, grouping all similar items together: batteries, tools, cables, etc.

Put back all the remaining items in the pantry by groups: breakfast, nuts, cans and bottles. Set the items that get used often or “healthier options“ at eye level. The ingredients that only get used once in a while should be placed on the top or bottom shelves. Use boxes / bins / baskets / containers to group similar things together, like packets or granola bars for example.

Take advantage of the corner space by adding Lazy Susans, which makes access to the ingredients easier (not seen here).

HOT TIP: You don’t need all your appliances on display!
Store rarely used small appliances in a cupboard or a pantry to save on countertop space.



 The results

We’ve kept the counters clutter free and it’s been a year since that project. - Danielle Leclerc


Decluttering a condo for sale