Cross-Country Move

3 hours - Pack a mother and her baby’s clothes for a cross-country move and a international trip

Project Goals

Pack the “in-between“ necessities for Danielle and Baby L. for their cross-country move, trip to Germany and house built.

THE PLAN: Danielle is flying with baby L., while her husband and father-in-law will drive their belongings across the country (takes about 4-6 days). A few days later, they are going on a family vacation to Germany, where hubby is from (minimum repacking).

SETTING DOWN ROOTS: When they get back, most of their possessions will be put in storage, while they build their dream house.

 My Process

First things first

When Danielle moved here 10 years ago, she was single, had few belongings besides clothes, one photo album, her enthusiasm and her car. Now she’s married and recently added little L. to their family. So moving “back home“ is somewhat … MORE. More stuff, more emotions, more people involved and definitely more pieces moving.

Pack what you can’t live without first

I asked Danielle to put aside the clothes she thought she could not part with for the next 2 months. That included workout clothes, PJs, outerwear, footwear, scarves, etc.

Add clothes specific to the trip

Next she made a pile of clothes she likes to wear while on vacation, which are a bit more summery and not quite as comfy as the “home“ clothes she will wear around her parents’ dairy farm.

closet packing


Whenever you organize or declutter, once you think you have it right, take 10 minutes and have a second look.

With her favourites put aside, Danielle was able to edit some more of what was left in her closet.

No need to pack and move clothes you’re never going to wear after all.

Pack everything else

To make sure Danielle had all she needed, I made her pack all that was left in her closet. That means that for the next week, while they finished preparing for their big move, Danielle was going to live with just what she was bringing on the plane with her.

This gave her the opportunity to test out our selection. If she found that she was missing something, she could unpack it. On the other hand, if she thought that something was not getting used, she could pack it now.

As for baby L., well he got to bring pretty much whatever fitted him plus diapers, bottles, stroller, car seat and few toys. The rest would be brought in by truck and, if need be, missing items could always be bought once they settle home.


 The results

Packing your life forever to move cross-country is a big deal. It can be exciting, stressful, difficult, liberating and even sad all at once, if not a little daunting. We were able to reduce the stress of such a big life event, by preparing in advance and leaving a small window to adjust things, if needed.


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